If you are a victim of sex discrimination, sexual misconduct, or retaliation, you are protected by 第九条 policies and may report it directly to 警察学院 or contact the Employee Relations/第九条 Office at swcertix@zgdydqw.com.
警察学院 Navigation
社区 项目 & 事件
- Ride-Along Program
- RAD类
- CPR课程
- 校园 Advisory Committee on Policing
- Complaints, Questions, Commendations
校园 & 社区 Safety
- 紧急 Blue Poles
- Reporting Crimes
- Reporting Non-Criminal Safety Hazards
- Crime Prevention
- Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault & 跟踪
Police Services
- Medical Services
- Front Counter Services
- Police Escort Services
- Victim's Services
- Vehicle Services
- Prescription Drug Drop Box
Public Information & 资源
- California 社区 Colleges Police Training Reform
- Jeanne Clery Act
- Southwestern 警察学院 Procedure Manual
To see employment opportunities and apply, check out SWC的工作网站. We constantly update the site with new job postings for our department. SWC警察 Academy graduates are encouraged to apply.
校园 Police Officer
- Patrol on- and off- campus sites
- Investigate reports of criminal activity
- Respond to calls for service
Public Safety Dispatcher
- Receive and prioritize calls from staff, students and the public
- Monitor and operate automatic computerized alarm systems
- Advise and assist District staff and students in resolving routine issues
校园 Services Officer
- Patrol by foot, motorized cart, or vehicle in order to assist with public services
- Answer questions, provide information and direct students and visitors
校园 Services Officer is a non-sworn position and is not authorized to carry a firearm.
Parking Safety Assistant
This position is reserved for student workers.
To apply, visit Student 就业 Services or 警察学院 for more information.
- Providing parking services
- Traffic control
- Assisting students